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    Wink Google Maps Update Adds Greater Detail to 3D Landmarks

    Google Maps Update Adds Greater Detail to 3D Landmarks

    Some of the world’s best known buildings have long been represented by 3D models in Google Maps, but they have never been closer to resembling their real-life counterparts. A recent update to Google Maps has given these 3D landmarks a much-needed facelift. Hit the jump for more.

    As part of this update to Google Maps, over a thousand landmarks around the globe have had their 3D likenesses enhanced with greater detail. This has been done in order to enhance their accuracy and usefulness, according to Paul Messmer, a Google Maps software engineer.
    “Say, you're looking out your hotel room window in Florence for the first time; it's much easier to get a sense of your location by simply comparing the shapes of buildings on the map to what you see out your window,” Messmer wrote in a blog post. “By combining 3D buildings with other Google Maps features like Street View and driving directions, you'll have the most advanced 'tourist map' on the planet.”
    These updated 3D models have so far only made it to the basic version of Google Maps, and both Google MapsGL and the mobile version are still awaiting their arrival. While Google MapGL should receive the update “soon,” there is no word on its availability on the mobile version. End


    [اگر خداوند بخواهد تغییری ایجاد کند، کسی نمی‌تواند جلوی آن را بگیرد]

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موضوعات مشابه

  1. google +
    توسط azim در انجمن اخبار، آموزش و بررسی تجهیزات شبکه (مودم، روتر، اکسس پوینت)
    پاسخ: 0
    آخرین نوشته: 2011/12/19, 07:53
  2. انتقاد McAfee از Google
    توسط rajah در انجمن اخبار سایت سخت افزار
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  3. Google Maps 6.0.1
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    آخرین نوشته: 2011/12/10, 15:23
  4. Google Map پولی می شود
    توسط *hit m@n* در انجمن کامپیوتر
    پاسخ: 4
    آخرین نوشته: 2011/11/30, 23:46
  5. پاسخ: 0
    آخرین نوشته: 2011/11/10, 13:22

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